Astronaut Stray Kids Wallpaper

Okay so nothing to do with K-pop but I just need to talk about this, if you are a kdrama watcher as well then this is for you. I am a avid kdrama watcher and over the past few years I have watched many kdramas (some might say too many but I don't believe there is such a thing), but I have been watching a show lately that will probably top my current number one kdrama (Our Beloved Summer which is an amazing and beautiful kdrama). I have been watching Alchemy of Souls and it is so awesome so far, I love the world building, the characters, the relationships, the pace.... It is all just so good and it makes me feel all the emotions as I am so connected to the characters and their relationships. Its also such a cool world that they have built and they explain all the concepts within the world really well so that you don't feel confused or overwhelmed. Just all around great kdrama so far and I hope it continues that way for the second season, because wow, it will be my new number one for sure. 

I have also recently been just listening through Stray Kids discography and while they have so many incredible songs and albums, I think my favourite is NoEasy. Just thinking about all of the songs on the album they are all so good and make me so happy. It has such a variety of sounds and feelings within the album and there is something about it that has such a feel good vibe to it. I am also a little biased for favoring this album though as it was my first comeback as a baby Stay. But I still think it is my favourite so far for just the overall vibes of the entire album. I am curious what other people think though, what is your favourite Stray Kids album (I know its really hard to choose :D).

 I have recently been having some fun using an AI generator to output images and paintings. I just think it is so amazing with what they can create and how quickly the technology has improved. I am very curious to see where it goes in the future as I find it so fascinating (but I also acknowledge the problems that come with such technology within the creative world and many of the ethical concerns that have been raised). One of the prompts I made gave me this adorable little astronaut and I just knew that I had to use it to make a new wallpaper. I actually struggled quite a bit to find a layout that would work with this design but I am very happy with the end product. Hope you like this one too!

If you would like to download the wallpaper for personal use click the link here: Download
